Restoration blogs
This page will contain examples of projects in progress.
Weber 88-note pianola restoration
This instrument was bought in poor condition as a "from the ground upwards" restoration project to hone the restorer's skills, as it was being disposed of in a local house-clearance. The blog picks up the project at the end of the restoration of the piano part of the instrument (essentially, the part of the instrument is that is just a straightforward piano for hand playing like any other piano) and focuses on the restoration of the player action (the system which reads the notes from the roll and plays them). Click here to enter the blog. Click on the collapsible list of blog entries below to get to the various section of the blog.
List of blog entries (latest first) - click here to show. Links open in new window
[I've taken a break from this project to do some much-needed refurbishment on my Ampico and write the article on the 65-note player - please see below for the "colour supplement" on that project! The Weber restoration will hopefully resume in the New Year)
24 September 2021 Trapwork and bellows mountings
26 August 2021 Hand controls
19 August 2021 Restoration of the piano
19 August 2021 Beginnings and the story so far...
Orchestrelle co. 65/58 note push-up player: Retrospective and supplement
This is not a blog as such but a retrospective view of a now-completed project, which was written up in the Christmas 2021 edition of the NWPPA Journal. It is emphatically not the aim of this retrospective to duplicate that article but to provide a pictorial "colour supplement" to it. If you wish to read the article, why not join the Association, as I'm sure a back issue (or at least a copy of the article) could be provided!
Click here to enter the supplement. Click on the collapsible list of entries below to get to the various section of the supplement.
List of sections in supplement - click here to show. Links open in new window
to be inserted...